
Determining potential risks before launching any new trademark identity is nowadays fundamental, especially in a market which is not only constantly hanging, but also where conflicts among competitors arise frequently. We help our clients with evaluating and selecting trademarks for registration according to their needs. We conduct searches and advise clients with the best possible strategy in order to achieve the registration proposed.

Since our job does not end with the successful registration of the trademark, we monitor your trademarks in our global Watching Software, and report with confusingly similar marks applied by third parties.

Once the 10 years period of registration is over, we offer our clients competitively priced renewal and maintenance services.

Furthermore, our attorneys will analyze our client´s existing portfolio not only in our country but also in foreign countries. Portfolio reviews are conducted periodically in order to offer the best possible protection of IP´rights.


Patents & Utility models

Industrial Designs


Domain Names

Legal Services

International Representation

Due to our long history and experience, OBLIGADO works with associates throughout the world to protect and enforce the IP´s rights of our clients. Our extensive knowledge, resources and long-relationships with colleagues allow us to efficiently and effectively coordinate filings in all countries, offering our clients not only competitive fees but also one point of contact for Latin America.

Get in contact with Our Team

For inquiries or to discuss your intellectual property needs, reach out to us and our dedicated team will assist you.